Monday, August 3, 2020

on trump's unfitness for the office

TL; DR: just looking at hard evidence of words and actions, there are 759 reasons why trump is not fit to serve in the office of president.  confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance combine to cause trump supporters to either not see, or not care about any of them, or to consider "the other side" as worse.
while it might be easy to dismiss me as a never-trumper, hater, or whatevs... i'm actually not. 
i like to give points for results. 

in 2016, the idea that we had a solid chance to elect a businessman to be president meant to me that words and intentions that drive much of politics could possibly be replaced with actions and results.  and if trump delivered results, it would be disingenuous to say that he doesn't deserve a second term.  i mean, let's keep emotion out of this.  he either did a good job or he didn't.

but here we are in 2020.  the results are in, and the scoreboard is posted.  he failed.

this article below is the antidote for the illness of chronic confirmation bias that seems to afflict many in the maga cult.

meaning even if 95% of the article linked below are outright lies...
that still leaves 40 reasons why Trump is unfit to hold the office

and given that 100% of them have references to back them up...
i'm figuring that maybe the amount that are actually true is a little more than 5%

take a nice casual stroll thru this fairly comprehensive review of the past few years:

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